The Design Sprint Approach

A design sprint is a structured framework that helps teams tackle critical business questions through design, prototyping, and testing ideas with customers. Developed at Google Ventures, this methodology compresses months of work into a few days, providing a fast track to innovation and problem-solving.

The design sprint consists of six distinct phases:

We have adapted this approach to better suit the varied needs of our projects. While the six-phase structure provides a comprehensive framework, it is not mandatory to run through all six steps for every project. We customize the design sprint process based on specific project requirements, ensuring flexibility and efficiency. This tailored methodology allows us to focus on the most critical aspects of a project, optimizing resources and time while still achieving impactful results.


Problem / Vision Statement

Definition: A problem or vision statement outlines the core challenge or the ultimate impact you want your product to achieve. It acts as a guiding star for the entire design sprint.

Purpose: It serves as a foundation, ensuring that the team is aligned and focused on a common goal. A well-crafted vision statement can inspire and provide direction throughout the sprint.

Our Approach: We always emphasize a dual approach to understanding the problem and crafting the vision statement.

  1. Diverging to Understand: In the initial phase, we encourage the team to explore a broad spectrum of perspectives and insights.
  1. Converging to Define: After gathering diverse inputs, we synthesize the information to define a clear and focused problem or vision statement.